Greg Levenhagen is a Principal Consultant with Skyline Technologies, a Microsoft Regional Director (RD) and a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP). He has a great passion for giving back to the community and teaching. A true enthusiast of computer science, with passions and interests including AR/MR/VR, AI, mobile, UX, architecture, distributed computing, 3D/games, cloud, automated testing, web, agile, languages and much more. Greg speaks at conferences like ThatConference, CodeMash, VSLive and Code PaLOUsa.
He is also a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), board member of ThatConference, president of the Milwaukee Code Camp, president of the Northeast WI Code Camp, president of the Northeast WI Developers User Group, co-organizer of the Fox Valley Game Development Meetup, co-organizer of the Midwest Azure User Group, organizer of MobileMKE, cofounder of the Northeast WI Agile User Group, INETA speaker and IEEE and ACM member.
Along with being a life-long geek, Greg enjoys golfing, football, woodworking, philosophy and stimulating conversation.